Sharing Skills - Shaping Lives
2024 Youth Service

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10
The summer of 2024 offered our BridgesWork youth several opportunities to continue their focus on community service. June 23-29, sixteen students from grades 8-12 joined seven BridgesWork young adults to accompany students and adults from Ash Lane UMC and other local churches on a service mission to Troy and Temple, Texas.
The youth and adults cleared on-site debris at homes damaged by recent tornados and completed the construction of wheelchair ramps, a wooden patio, and a fence at other homes. Finally, they continued their commitment to the monthly Ash Lane UMC Mobile Food Pantry during the second week of our BridgesWork enrichment camps.
Follow our adventures in pictures in the NEWS section of this website or on our Facebook page.

Our 2024
Camps Continued our Enrichment
Program Success
Between July 8 and July 19, 2024, BridgesWork conducted summer enrichment camps for grades 1-6, 7-8, and 9-12. Over the two-week period, 150 teachers and first through twelfth-grade/post-high school students participated.
Reading, STEM, Music, Bible lessons, and SEL activities highlighted the
grades 1-6 grade program, along with visits to the Euless Public Library and a special guest event, Miss Kelly and her puppets for grades 1-2; an opportunity to visit the Perot Museum for grades 3 and 4; and special visits to unique places for grades 4, 5 and 6 to support their summer books. Grade 4 visited Rita's Italian Ice to learn how they make their cool, sweet treats; Grade 5 visited Los Jimadores Mexican Restaurant to align with their book Stef Soto Taco Queen and learned how to make tacos, while Grade 6 visited the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum to align with their book The War That Saved My Life.
Grades 9-12 spent their week engaged in activities led by community mentors. The activities centered on the four internal assets research has suggested teens need to succeed as adults: a commitment to learning, the development of positive values, the development of social competence, and a positive identity.
Grades 7 and 8 wrestled with surviving and thriving in junior high. Both the 9-12 and the 7-8 groups are growing in number, and each worked tirelessly to support the maintenance of the church facility during our two-week camp. They also assisted church members with their Mobile Food Pantry initiative on July 16.
Learn more about our summer program and see pictures in the NEWS section of this website and on our Facebook page.
About Us
About Us
BridgesWork offers school-year monthly and summer programs to help achieve our mission which is:
"To participate in the lives of children, equipping them through academic growth, spiritual development, and service to others so that each child can identify future dreams and build bridges to move from those dreams to reality.”
BridgesWork is focused on helping “our kids” build bridges to successful futures. While building these bridges takes money, not one program or service offered to our students generates revenue.
ALL programs and services are dependent upon the generosity of friends, businesses, and foundations. As a 501 (c) (3) organization, all donations to BridgesWork are tax deductible.
Fall and Spring
BridgesWork is a year-round program. We will begin our fall and spring sessions on Saturday, October 5, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Ash Lane United Methodist Church.
In order for a student to benefit from the entire mentoring experience our program offers, he or she must commit to attending at least three Saturday sessions. Students should include the October 5 session as one of the three selected.
The session dates are:
October 5 February 8
November 9 March 8
December 14 April 5
January 11 May 10
Because our enrollment continues to increase, this commitment will enable a child to participate in the 2025 summer program.
Contact Us
If you would like more information on the tremendous work BridgesWork is doing, have a special question, want to make a contribution or volunteer, this is the place to leave us a message. Get in touch and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. We look forward to hearing from you!
P.O. Box 1128
Bedford. Texas 76095-1128